This is Per. A recent acquaintance of mine with whom I almost share the same passion for golf (he beats me by a couple of club lengths if being honest). As head of the local golf club, Strängnäs GK, he is taking the noble form of “stick-sends-ball-far-away” to the next level, engaging young people in the sport and bringing his experience to the oak hills of Strängnäs. He started his golfing career in his early teens, becoming a pro but giving up ambitions to become a tour player for the prospect of managing. The competition in the sport is fierce, and there were guys hitting the balls far better than I did, he says reflecting on his golfing career thus far. Member tallies are rising at Strängnäs GK, and this import is making his mark. How long he will stay at the club? As long as there’s stuff left to do, is his short but brilliant answer. Grab him out at the course. If you can.
Note. This is part of a series of portraits called Garagefoto i Finninge. It is my rendition in black and white of the persons living and/or making a living in the town where I live, Strängnäs, Sweden.